Evidence That Can Benefit Your Denver Car Accident Claim

A car accident claim is a settlement agreed upon by the parties involved in a car accident regarding the damage incurred. To receive the compensation, you have to make sure that you present the evidence to the proper authority. 

Many reasons can lead to vehicle collisions such as operating speed, driving skills, impairment due to alcohol or drugs, road design, and environment. When you are involved in an accident, seek a Denver car accident lawyer who will help you in the settlement follow up. 

Let’s look at some of the evidence that will help you in Denver when it comes to car accident claims.

Pictures and Videos

Nowadays, it is easy to take a picture of an accident scene in less than a minute, and that is due to the existence of camera phones. It is more probable to find out about an accident on the internet than it is on television. 

Witnesses in an accident scene are quick to take videos of what has happened and send them to platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, and these videos prove to be very useful as evidence. Ensure all the evidence available reaches your lawyer. 

The Damaged Vehicle and Property

The presentation of a damaged vehicle is one of the most important types of physical evidence you can use. Ensure you know where the towing company takes your car and instruct them to leave the car untouched. The vehicle might have a defective part that might have caused the collision, and that is why it is crucial to preserve the car.

Your Injuries

Personal injuries provide a strong base for evidence in car accident claims. With the help of a doctor, you can give accurate details on how you feel and the degree of pain you are going through. Keep a pain journal where you detail your daily struggles, both emotional and physical, giving a clear picture of the damages you received.

A Police Report

As soon as an accident occurs, the authorities should be informed so they can assess the situation, and that’s why the parties involved in the accident leave the vehicles as they were if no one is trapped inside. If you can, take the names and contact information of as many people as you can who were in the accident scene. 

Your Medical Report

Substantial evidence will never lack the use of a doctor’s services. When you go to the hospital for assessment, make sure you leave with paperwork to show the visits you’ve made. 

The paperwork should include medical bills about the accident, any repair receipts, and invoices that show any medical assistance. When you have the necessary paperwork, engage your Denver car accident lawyer so that he/she can be up to speed with the evidence. 

Car accident claims need irrefutable evidence, and that is why insurance companies ask for all the necessary documents that will ensure you receive your settlement. 

When you employ a car accident lawyer’s services, you make sure that someone else takes care of the settlement proceedings when you are not able to.


To wrap up, ensure that you observe the road guidelines. When you set out to drive your vehicle, ascertain that it is in proper condition and roadworthy. Always be aware of your surroundings; that is, look at road bends, curves and even steepness of slopes in particular areas. 

Ensure that you are driving within the set speed limit and you are free from alcohol, drugs and any medication that can impair your operating capability. Your Denver car accident lawyer will be with you until the claim proceedings are through.

By Martin