5 Signs You Need a Real Estate Virtual Assistant for Your Real Estate Business

Running a real estate business is no small feat. In addition to being the public face of your company and nurturing client relationships, you’re also responsible for a million other tasks – from keeping track of your finances to scheduling appointments and maintaining your website. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Fortunately, you don’t have to go it alone. Real estate virtual assistant services can be a huge help, taking care of all the behind-the-scenes work so you can focus on what you do best. Not sure if you need a VA? Here are seven signs that it might be time to bring one on board.

1. You’re Wearing Too Many Hats

As a real estate professional, you wear a lot of hats. For instance, you’re probably responsible for generating leads, keeping in touch with past clients, marketing your listings, and managing your finances – all while trying to stay up-to-date on the latest industry news.

If you’re starting to feel like you’re being pulled in a million different directions, it might be time to bring on a real estate virtual assistant. A VA can take care of all the little tasks that are eating up your time, freeing you up to focus on the things that are most crucial to your business.

2. You Don’t Have the Skills for Specific Tasks

Even if you’re good at wearing a lot of hats, there are some tasks that are just better left to someone with the right skills and training. For instance, you may be excellent when it comes to convincing clients to sign on the dotted line, but when it comes to creating marketing materials or analyzing market trends, you could use a little help.

If there are certain tasks that you’re not good at or don’t have the time to learn, real estate virtual assistant services can fill in the gaps. By hiring a VA with the specific skills you need, you can be sure that those tasks are being handled by someone who knows what they’re doing.

3. You’re Working 24/7

Even if you love your work, there comes a point when enough is enough. There’s no glory in working 24/7, and chances are, you’re not being as productive as you could be. If you find yourself working all hours of the day and night, it might be time to consider hiring a REVA.

The Philippines is one of the most popular places for affordable VA services. Outsourcing to the Philippines can provide you with the assistance you need to take some load off your plate and get your life back. A VA can handle all sorts of tasks, from answering customer inquiries to scheduling appointments and managing your finances. That way, you can have time to break breaks and relax, without having to worry about everything that needs to be done.

4. You’re Missing Out on Opportunities

When you’re bogged down with work, it’s tough to take advantage of new opportunities. You may find yourself turning down invitations to networking events or unable to meet with potential clients because you’re just too busy. These missed opportunities can end up costing you in the long run. Don’t let your business suffer because you’re too busy to get out there and network.

A real estate virtual assistant can take care of the day-to-day tasks that are keeping you tethered to your desk, freeing you up to take advantage of new opportunities. With a VA on your team, you can focus on meeting new people and growing your business.

5. You Need Help, But a Physical Employee is an Expensive Option

There are situations where hiring a physical employee just doesn’t make sense. For instance, if you’re a solopreneur or you have a small business, bringing on a full-time employee can be a big financial burden. Not only do you have to pay their salary, but you also have to cater for overhead costs, such as office space and equipment.

Go the cost-effective route and hire real estate virtual assistant services instead. With a VA, you only pay for the services you need, when you need them. There’s no need to worry about providing office space or equipment – your VA works from their own convenient places and gets the equipment they need to do the work.

If you’ve been looking for ways how to grow your real estate business, hiring a real estate virtual assistant is an excellent option. Outsourcing to the Philippines can give you access to a pool of talented VAs who can help you with all aspects of your business, from marketing to customer service. With a real estate VA on your team, you can focus on what you’re good at and leave the rest to them.

Author:- Stephen Atcheler is an entrepreneur in the Real Estate space. He has grown multiple businesses including a Real Estate Agency, an online Real Estate Adverting business, and now, currently the founder and driver of the fastest growing Real Estate BPO in the Philippines. If you would like to connect or get in touch with Stephen, he is very active on LinkedIn and always happy for a new connection. 

By Martin