Which Is Better: Take Public Transport Or Drive To Work?


Nov 25, 2020 #air pollution

In many cities around the world, whether to take public transport or drive work is a personal decision. However, as we shall see in this article, the decision has a direct impact on the individual and the environment. It is important to mention that other factors, such as convenience, influences this decision. For example, if you live in a city that has an efficient public transport system, it makes sense to use it and avoid heavy traffic during morning rush hour. Other factors include:

  • Health concerns
  • Personal preference
  • Government policy
  • Overall cost of transport

Driving to work

If you own a car, you get the advantage of convenience. You can drive from your house to your office at your pace. This means you do not have to depend on the public transport schedule. Also, you don’t have to go to the bus stop or train station for you to commute. It is also ideal if you are managing a remote work site. For those who love privacy, driving to work allows you to enjoy your ride without worrying about nosy commuters. In addition to this, there are many options out there to help you should your car run into trouble, including car haul services should you want to move your car to a new town for work.

There are some downsides, though; if you live far from your office, fuel charges can increase your monthly expenses significantly. You also have to deal with heavy traffic, especially if you live in a populous city. Driving to work contributes to air pollution and affects the environment negatively. Another disadvantage is that driving through heavy traffic can be stressful. This affects your mode and productivity.

Taking public transport to work

When compared to driving to work, public transport is generally cheaper in many places around the world. Commuters can rest on their way to work without worrying about causing accidents, as is the case with those who drive to work. When many car owners embrace public transport when going to work, there are fewer vehicles on the road, and this improves the air quality in urban centers. Therefore, adopting this mode of transport allows you to make your contribution to a cleaner environment.

But the benefits come at a cost. For instance, you must brave harsh weather such as rain to get to the train or bus terminus. Since most public transport systems work on specific schedules, you will need to adjust when you leave your house to catch the bus or train that will get you to work on time. Sometimes, public vehicles get crowded, and this can invade your personal space. In some places, this can make you an easy target for pickpockets.

Final thoughts

When choosing a means of transport, it is important to consider your needs. If your biggest worry is transport costs, then you are better off using public transport. This is because it doesn’t come with additional costs such as fuel charges and parking fees. You are also not bound to a bus or train schedule, which can inconvenience you. Public transport is cheaper and provides a great way of saving the environment by reducing the emission of vehicle exhaust fumes which harm people and the environment.

By Martin