5 Incredible Employee Incentives

Your employees are a vital part of your company. Without them, you wouldn’t be where you are today. Even if you know how essential they are, though, they might not know it. It’s time to show your employees just how much you appreciate them. Here are five incredible incentives to consider.

Catered Lunch

One way to show your employees how much you value them is to have lunch catered from a local restaurant or catering company. Ask your employees what their favorite cuisines are or which restaurants are their favorites. Sending out an email survey is a great way to get answers quickly.

Don’t forget to ask about dietary restrictions, too. When showing employees they’re important, it’s necessary to consider everyone’s needs. Ask any restaurants or catering companies that you call about how they manage these needs and the steps they take to mitigate risks. Some catering companies may even help you to set up the food so that it’s safe for everyone to enjoy.

After lunch has arrived, don’t forget to give your employees plenty of time to enjoy it. A little time to socialize and unwind with delicious food periodically can help reenergize everyone, and give them the boost they need to keep working hard.

Restaurant Gift Cards

Instead of catering, a gift card to a local restaurant can also show your appreciation. Again, find out what restaurants your employees like best. Knowing everyone’s preferences can help you to customize gift cards based on the employees that you’re recognizing. If you plan to take everyone out together, a list of preferences (and food restrictions) can help you to select a restaurant that everyone will enjoy.

Live Shows

Getting out of the office and away from anything work-related can help employees to let loose and relax. A live event is a great way to accomplish this while giving your employees something incredible to watch.

There are lots of options to choose from depending upon where you live. You can give your employees tickets events such as:

  • Plays or musicals.
  • Comedy shows.
  • Magic shows.

Local Sporting Events Tickets

Another option to consider when it comes to giving your employees a chance to unwind is to purchase tickets to a local sporting event. Gather up your employees and bring them as a group as a way for everyone to spend some quality time together without having to worry about deadlines, projects, or presentations. Depending upon the time of year (and your location), you can bring everyone to a football, baseball, basketball, or hockey game. Encourage everyone to show their team spirit and come dressed in team gear. Even those who might not be as into sports as others are likely to have a good time cheering on the local team.

A Destination Getaway

An exceptionally great way to show your employees that you appreciate them is to take them on a destination getaway. There are countless incredible options, such as resort vacations in Aruba, exploring exciting cities like Berlin, or booking Greek Island cruises. If you’re having trouble choosing where to take everyone, send out a survey. Ask everyone where they’ve always dreamed of going. Another option is to give them a list of three or four destinations to choose from and pick the top response. No matter what you choose, be sure to include lots of fun activities for everyone to do together as well as provide ample time for them to relax and unwind.

Taking trips such as these can help everyone feel rested, rejuvenated, and thoroughly appreciated. When everyone gets back to the office, they’ll be happier, more motivated, and more productive.

Showing your employees how important they are to you and your company can go a long way in boosting job satisfaction and productivity. These are just a few ways you can show your appreciation. If you need additional ideas, don’t be afraid to think outside the box or ask your employees what would mean the most to them.

By Martin