6 Ways Learning a New Language Can Advance Your Career


Oct 12, 2021 #Business

Is learning a foreign language one of your aspirations? Recent studies have confirmed an increasing demand for individuals that can bridge the communication gap between two different cultures. Additionally, there are more accessible opportunities and resources for people to learn a new language. For instance, if you want to speak French fluently, you can get an online French tutor to help you out. 

In this sense, learning a new language offers you an excellent opportunity to advance your career. So, how does learning a foreign language benefit your career?

  • It Opens Up More Job Opportunities

If you are fluent in over one language, it gives you an advantage over monolingual candidates in job opportunities. What’s more, the opportunities are available in a wide range of companies and departments. Statistics show that many companies prefer individuals who can speak more than one language. 

This trend is because the world has become global, resulting in a demand for professionals that can communicate in more than one language. Research conducted in the USA projects that there will be a 42% rise in demand for translators and interpreters in the foreseeable future. 

  • It Gives You an Advantage in Interviews

Your ability to speak over one language will give you an advantage in job interviews. Knowing a second language enhances your chances of getting a job. It could be the thing that differentiates you above other candidates. 

With globalization, most companies are looking to reach out to markets they haven’t reached in the past. However, the language barrier usually makes it challenging for such companies to penetrate new markets. Therefore, these companies are more interested in individuals who can speak more than one language.  

  • Bilingual and Multilingual Individuals Get Better Pay

Studies have shown that employees with knowledge of a foreign language usually command a higher salary. According to data from various recruitment agencies, bilingual and multilingual employees can earn more by up to 15% of their salary. 

For example, suppose you’re working for a company that needs a French translator and can speak French fluently; you can do it for extra pay. 

  • Offers Career Growth Opportunities

Being bilingual or multilingual offers you a wide range of growth opportunities. For instance, it will not restrict you from going abroad to do business as long as you know the country’s language. Studies have also shown that small companies and start-ups are interested in multilingual employees because they can help them explore fresh business opportunities in foreign countries. 

Fortunately, you don’t have to be eloquent in the language. Sometimes, you just need to be proficient enough. So, if you have completed your French for beginner’s course, you can work as a translator and take care of foreign communications. However, you must be a more experienced manager and representative to meet and greet clients in their native language and act as the company’s face in foreign markets. 

  • Improves Your Networking

While learning a foreign language, you get the chance to appreciate the culture. Therefore, it allows you to relate to diverse cultural groups more personally. Relationship experts suggest that speaking to people in their own language helps to break down barriers. As a result, it makes them feel more relaxed and secure. 

This type of relationship is critical for any business environment. Understanding your client’s native language elevates your professional and business relationship, leading to improved business results. 

Nevertheless, it is very challenging to practice a foreign language unless you are in an environment with multiple languages. In this regard, you need French tutors for conversation to allow you to grasp and understand the target language. Additionally, you can get a mobile app that allows users to converse with a native speaker. 

  • You Appeal To International Organizations

International organizations are constantly widening their reach to new markets. In the process, they usually hire candidates that can communicate impeccably with other cultures, filling the communication gap between them and their new clients. Therefore, being bilingual or multilingual allows you to become a global employee. 

Remember, learning a new language like French or Portuguese is a fantastic experience. It might be challenging when you’re getting started, but it gets better with practice. Besides that, you can learn online from the comfort of your home. 

Bottom Line

The world is turning into the proverbial “global village.” This phenomenon is thanks to the internet and other technological innovations. As a result, corporations are taking advantage of this development to expand their reach to new markets. 

This is all music to  a multilingual person’s ears because demand for their services is on the rise. Therefore, if you are monolingual, boost your employability by learning a new language. You can begin by looking for French tutors for beginners because French is one of the most marketable languages. 

By Martin