Here Is All You Need To Know Before Creating An App

The present-day application market is highly competitive. This makes it difficult for anyone to find their foot-hold and make a noticeable impression on its targeted audience.

Simply brainstorming a unique app concept- regardless of what purpose it serves won’t simply cut it. A lot of service providers get into the app development stage without proper planning and preparation. And that, unfortunately, leads to expensive, highly frustrating, and brand-hampering consequences!

Creating quality, intuitive, and lead-generating applications take a lot of planning, effort, time, and money. But when you successfully manage to pull it off, the whole endeavor seems worth it!

Start With a Thorough Market Research

Whether you aim to create your own radio station app free or a premium service app for your business, the first step is to perform comprehensive market research properly. This will help you know what opportunities the current targeted market offers and the gap which your newly created app will help to fill.

You will also come to know more about–

  • Your market adversaries and the strategies they use for their success
  • The strengths and weaknesses of your market adversaries
  • What their existing and past clients feel after using their apps on their site reviews/social media platforms
  • And the USP-Unique Selling point of your market competitors

You Can Even Talk To Your Aimed Audience Before Creating Your New App

Most people you come across will regard this as boring, useless, and a complete waste of your time. But in truth, this is anything but that.

Rather, it is extremely important, especially since the whole point of creating your new service app is to fulfill your customer’s needs.

You can discuss with your team and create a user’s persona template to determine your ideal app user. Then you can validate them with small interviews/discussions with a few of your target users to comprehend what they think and want properly.

Doing so will help you identify their problems and allow you and your team to dig deeper into resolving those concerns via your new application.

Create Your Rough App Blueprint 

Once you have gathered a fair bit of information from your users and your competition, the following step is to sketch out a rough blueprint of your service application.

Try to keep the concept tangible. Properly define how your new app will function. Sort out what features you wish to include before the development process.

Most importantly, resort to a simple navigation interface keeping in mind the convenience of your users. For enhanced user convenience, you can even look to include a speech recognition system to help them find what they are looking for quickly!

Another thing to remember is to make your app as lean and mean as feasible. The more popular term for this is MVP- Minimum Viable Product– and it is the simplest version of your service application.

Doing so will help you focus more on things and app features which matter. That resultantly will speed up its development stage and ensure it stays resilient against potential setbacks!

Articulate Your New Service App’s Specific Objective

Articulating your service app’s precise purpose is the trickiest aspect. But as this is one of the core steps to creating your new service application; you will need to define the following aspects –

  • The prime functionality of your service application
  • What will compel your target audience to use it?
  • What business objective will it help you to accomplish?
  • Who are the users who will most benefit from it?
  • Your target audiences’ needs and cravings

Decide Whether to Go With Native, Hybrid, or Web 

Native Apps – Perfect for gaming, photo/video use, its efficient coding ensures the least amount of hardware. They can function without net connectivity and use push notifications to better the app’s use and showcase particular paths and objectives within the app.

Web Apps – They cannot work without net connectivity; neither do they run on old devices or browsers. It is best for solutions needing easy updates without access to the device’s native abilities. No app store approval is there to slow down or restrict its launch.

Hybrid Apps – They are the best of both apps and make use of the same code base used in both platforms. Hybrid apps can function without net connectivity and make updates way easier. They are way quicker to develop as the majority of app developments are carried out using the standard web app technologies.

Focus on Creating a Captivating App Landing Page Along With a CTA

Ideally, you should emphasize on – a clear headline atop the page, an explanatory video or brief introduction stanza, a breakdown of all present features and perks, About us Section, CTA- Sign up or Install App Now!

Know About Your App Monetizing Options

If you aim to make money straight from your new service app, you should discuss it with your team and hire developers about popular monetization models. Some of them include – Sponsorships, in-app ads, subscriptions, in-app purchases, paid-premium apps, and so on!

Look to Find Appropriate Marketing Strategies and Pre-Launch Plans

If you do it right, it will have a big influence on your service app’s success. Before starting the app development or even during its on-going creation, you need to check out strategies for its branding, PR, pre-launch buzz, outreach, and web presence.

There are ways to do it via finding the right channels, like endorsing it on social media or through email marketing, attractive content creation, and defining your app brand by ensuring consistency of color, logo, and content tone across all existing platforms.

Incorporate Security Measures If the New App Will Gather Sensitive User Information

The right course of action is to ensure it early on in the app development stage. As your user’s data is a valuable asset for you, you should incorporate a safe place to accumulate and store it without the possibility of security risks. Also, look to include a privacy policy.

Launching Your New Service Application 

Once you have covered all these aforementioned aspects and developed your service app accordingly, it is time to launch it in your chosen app store.


There you have it- all the key things you need to know before creating your service application. Follow them closely, and again don’t hesitate to enlist help from professional app developers.

They will consider each of these key aspects and suggest you more solutions to ensure your service app turns out to be a big success.

By Martin