Lose The Excess – Have A Clear Out Before 2021


Nov 24, 2020 #sell your car

This last year we’ve all spent an inordinate amount of time at home. Many of you may have come to realize just how much stuff you have at home. And much of it you don’t use, need or even know what it is! So, how to start afresh with 2021 rolling round? Well, the answer is simple. All you need to do is go through the clutter and do a major clear out. No matter if you donate, sell, or simply toss, there’s a ton of benefits:

  • Therapeutic
  • Freeing up space
  • Make a little cash
  • Help out a cause

Getting started on the big clear out

Once you’ve decided to clear out your house, you will need to set yourself some goals, and limitations. As a starting point, you need to know how much time and energy you’re willing to spend on this venture; otherwise, you might just quit partway through. There’s nothing worse than ending up with a ton of half-filled boxes and nowhere to go. Set yourself up to win, not to fail. So, make a careful plan so that the job gets done.

You’ll need to choose the items you’re planning on getting rid of too and plan accordingly. For instance, if you no longer want a car, a guide on how to sell your exotic car will help you go a long way. Arm yourself with boxes, gloves, and a spray cleaner so that you can clean up as you go – there’s nothing worse than leaving yourself more work than when you started.

Where’s it all going to go?

Once you’re ready to get sorting, you will need to think about each item on an individual level. Where is the best place to get rid of that item? For instance, some items could go to charity; others can be recycled; if you’re lucky, some things could even be sold or traded. And of course, there’s always going to be something that has no home other than the trash. If you’re doing this, make sure you have labeled boxes so that you can separate everything as you go.

Some of this might sound easy, but you will need to do some additional research. While you may be happy for some of your items to go to a charity shop, check what it is they are looking for or accepting. Items of furniture might require organization with the charity before dropping it off. Selling is also a little trickier than it sounds – not everyone thinks your CD collection is as valuable as you do! So, check what sells and where to sell it.

Finish the job!

This might sound like a no-brainer, but it’s often the hardest part. Once you’ve started, don’t stop. You’ll need to keep going; otherwise, you might find that you never declutter. If you feel yourself flagging, take some breaks to get your motivation going again. You can also enlist the help of friends and family to ensure the whole thing gets done in a faster way. Who knows, the extra help might encourage you to get rid of additional items that you’ve not used in years as well!

By Martin