Tips On Finding the Perfect Blogger for Your Company

One of the most frustrating things for a business is to have a website and no traffic. You can submit to search engines, hire an expensive advertising company, and still not have a high ranking on search results. It is not as if you are not trying. One of the largest ways to drive traffic is to have to change, useful content. Useful content drives people to your website, and that also can drive sales and search engine rankings.

You probably do not have time to research and continually update your blog or website. Fortunately, there are plenty of blog writers for hire. There are even entire companies that specialize in providing you with intelligent optimized content. The trick is hiring the right blog writer or the right content company for your business.

Decide What Type of Writer You Want

There is a writer in every field. You have to decide if you want a general writer or a specialist in what you do. Knowing what type of writer you want helps you know where to look. If you are a B2B company, you will want a more technical writer. If you are marketing to your average audience, you will want one that knows a bit about your industry and can write general informational articles.

Be Prepared to Pay for Quality

It is worth paying for quality. If you have ever read articles or a blog, you’ve probably come across quite a few that don’t make sense. They have bad grammar and don’t understand sentence structure. You might also find articles that are simply a rewrite from another website. These low-quality writers are the ones that only charge $5 or $10 for a 500-word post. In writing, you get what you pay for. If rehashed content is what you want, then go for the cheap option. If you want a midline, you will pay around $25 to $50 for a 500-word post.  If you want a higher quality, than expect to pay between $50 and $100 for a 500-word post. The quality is up to you but keep in mind that many readers do not trust a website that has spelling and grammar errors. You can offset this cost by hiring a content company or only posting once or twice per month.

Find One That Knows Your Business

You might think that you know your business better than anyone else, but you are too close to it to be objective. A good writer can look at your business objectively and write about it impartially. Some of the best writers can write a blog post that gets you business without sounding too much like an advertisement or sales pitch. Clients and customers do not want to see yet another advertisement. They want to read an informative article about your products or services. When you provide this information, your customers will begin to look at you as a respected source and usually return when they need similar information.

Find One That Knows Search Engine Optimization

For your blog to rank well on search engines, the writer needs a working knowledge of search engine optimization (SEO.) Keywords and keyword placement are critical to every article you want to use to drive people to your website. A writer or content company that knows SEO will provide you with content that includes the right keywords and keyword placement. They will also guide you on what websites, aside from your blog, your article should be on.

Look in the Right Places

Many of the freelance websites have thousands of people from all over the world who will apply. You can spend days reviewing applicants and still not find one who is qualified. Content companies and writer specific sites narrow the search for you. These sites and content companies have writers who list their markets, experience, and qualifications. You can filter your results, so they are completely tailored towards your business and business interests.

Hiring a writer for your blog is a very serious decision. Whether you hire an individual freelance writer or content company, they will help promote your business, drive traffic to your website, and increase your web presence. Having accurate, interesting content is one of the best ways to maximize your web marketing budget.

By Martin