4 Tech Mistakes Small Businesses Make (& How to Avoid Them)


Feb 25, 2022 #Businesses

New entrepreneurs often focus most of their time and energy on developing the perfect product, marketing their brand, increasing online visibility, and expanding a customer base.

As they often possess tunnel vision when launching a company, it is easy for a business owner to underestimate the importance of various tools and tactics.

If you have recently started a new company, you mustn’t take your eyes off the ball when it comes to technology.

While the likes of social media and SEO are important for your brand, you must pay close attention to your hardware, software, and network security, too.

Learn about the four common tech mistakes small businesses can make and the ideas on how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: A Mishmash of Hardware and Software

Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of buying various hardware equipment and software applications.

While you might buy or replace products when they are on sale, mixing and matching hardware and software can place pressure on your IT department.

It is a smarter idea to standardize hardware and software applications across the business, as it will make it easier to repair or troubleshoot the technology products.

If you fail to do so, you may need to hire additional IT professionals to resolve tech problems or struggle with software incompatibilities.

Mistake #2: Security Failures

If cybercrime was a country, it would have the third-largest economy after the United States and China, as it generates $6 billion annually. Unfortunately, it is unlikely cyberattacks will slow down soon, as they are expected to reach $10.5 billion per year by 2025.

At present, the United States features 30 million small businesses that are at risk of a cyberattack, such as:

  • Ransomware
  • Malware spying
  • Phishing attacks
  • Identify theft
  • A major data breach

Yet, many small businesses fail to take the threats seriously, despite being a major target for cybercriminals across the world.

A hacking cannot only lead to a data breach or destruction, but it can impair business productivity, drain a company’s finances, and may result in financial and legal repercussions.

Small businesses cannot afford to cut corners when it comes to cybersecurity. It is imperative to protect a network from a potential attack to safeguard the company’s finances, reputation, and longevity.

Trusted network security services are an ideal solution, as they will provide comprehensive protection against malware, phishing, botnets, and spyware.

Plus, it prevents access to malicious websites and continuously hunts for new threats to protect users.

Mistake #3: Poor Power Protection

Single power outages, surges, and spikes can cost small businesses a considerable sum, as they can destroy hardware and cause critical data loss.

In addition to immediate damage, regular brownouts and surges can gradually shorten the lifespan of a company’s computers, network components, printers, and more.

Therefore, poor power protection during a thunderstorm, electrical outage, or a natural disaster could destroy a small company, especially businesses already struggling with financial hardship.

If power outages are common at a destination, a company must deploy high-quality battery backup devices for desktop PCs, which feature built-in surge depression.

Also, IT employees should connect servers to uninterruptible power supplies, which they should test to confirm failover protection.

Mistake #4: Skipping IT Training

As small businesses have many tasks to complete and goals to reach, management might feel tempted to cut corners on training.

Investing in IT training might seem an unnecessary expense, as they might believe an employee could learn how to use hardware or software on the job.

However, this is a big mistake. A lack of training will not only dent morale and slow down productivity, but it may result in software applications or hardware items going to waste, as staff might avoid using them.

It doesn’t matter if you are investing in a new business tool or introducing a different tech process; you must provide your employees with the training they need.

It will increase productivity, support cybersecurity, and provide your team with greater confidence in their roles.

Don’t underestimate the importance of technology when running a small business. Remember, the makes and models you choose, training you provide, and security solutions you introduce will determine your company’s cash flow, productivity, and reputation.

By Martin