Planning Your Perfect Self-Build: 3 Areas You Wouldn’t Want to Leave to Your Main Contractor


Jan 21, 2021 #dream home

Your perfect self-build should be your dream home. It needs to reflect you and your personality. A lot of off the shelf items (for interiors and exteriors alike) have very little personality about them and can lead to a bland, cold and boring experience.

However, houses and rooms with a more bespoke feel add excitement and enticement to everyone who enters them. Certain rooms and features of a house can add to the feel and add real value and desirability to a property should you feel you may like to move at some point in the future.

#1 Selecting your roofing

Selecting the correct roof for your dream home is very important. Not only is it important for curb appeal and to create that unique look, but also for bills and maintenance costs too.

A trusted roofing company like Wildwood Roofing will explain all of the materials, styles, and colors on offer and are certified by leading manufacturers.

Choosing a trusted local company instead of just using your main contractor has other advantages.  They can show you what they have to offer and take you from the beginning of your installation to the final stages. As you will already have been given a price estimate from your main contractor, you’ll also have a good idea of the value offered by their package.

#2 Design your own bespoke kitchen

Fitting a boring, off-the-shelf kitchen is not always the best idea and can waste a lot of space as the cupboards are made to standard sizes only, so if you are looking for that real ‘wow’ factor, then they should be avoided.

A bespoke kitchen made by craftspeople can give that beautiful original feel that not only can be made to fit your kitchen space perfectly without any wasted space but can also have the desired style, color, and finish.

The floor, splashbacks, tiles, and worktops are also items that need to be carefully chosen, and all can be made to order as well. Many specialist companies who deal with one area of the kitchen will recommend other companies they have previously worked with for the other areas.

The correct sink, taps, drawers, and door handles should also be very closely thought about as these finishing touches can either make or break your kitchen’s look.

#3 Create your luxury bathroom

A top of the range bathroom is a must to give that truly luxurious feel. From the styles of the tiles, bathroom suite, and the taps, right down to the colors they will be and materials they will be made from.

There is so much choice on the market today, but it is always better to think ahead. It is always best to avoid suites that need plenty of maintenance to keep looking good and that which may look dated in a few years. Here, the golden rule is to go for the more timeless pieces if possible.

By Martin