Pre-Employment Assessment Programs – Reduces The Burden Associated With Employee Selection

Business organizations to have to employ the best employees who can take up a job position in an organization. They must make sure the most talented and skilled individuals are selected among the pool of candidates who have applied for a particular job position. Selection and screening of the best candidates require time and spending which may demotivate an organization in indulging in the selection process.

Moreover, traditional paper-based exams prove to be redundant as they do not help in reviewing certain important characteristics which an individual may possess or have the ability to further possess in the future. To assess individual various pre-employment assessment programs are available online which an organization can utilize to screen the candidates. Pre-employment tests and assessment programs can help in reducing the administrative burden of an organization as they can remove the individuals who do not fulfil the required needs and objectives of the organization.

Before an organization can indulge in face-to-face interviews and other examinations for selecting the best employees, redundant employees who are not able to fulfil the necessary criteria can be removed with these using the help of pre-employment exams. There are various types of pre-employment examinations and assessment programs that are available online and provided by companies. Some of them are listed below:

  • Psychometric test:

Psychometric tests help in the identification of certain traits and characteristics which an individual may possess necessary for being successful in the job position. These days are strategically created and organized to access an individual based on various skills and cognitive abilities that an individual possesses or has your ability to process in the future. An individual may possess certain behavioural characteristics and other forms of cognitive skills which prove to be necessary for a business organization.

 Identification of such abilities is very necessary as they ultimately define an individual and ensure success. The psychometric test helps in the identification of such traits which can help the organization in selecting the best candidate among thousands of resumes received. Online psychometric testing and assessment platforms can be used for identification of traits like positive and negative behavioural characteristics, motivation, preferences and cognitive ability which together define an individual and ensure success at a particular job position in an organization.

  • Skill-based tests:

An organization can also make use of the online skill-based test to determine whether an individual has the capability and skill to take up a challenging job within an organization. Moreover, such skill-based tests can also help organizations to predict whether an individual would be able to take up challenging jobs and be willing to improve their existing skills with the changing times. An individual is assessed based on his or her performance in simulations that act as real-world situations. An individual’s performance and his or her ability to solve a complex problem using his existing skills determine whether an individual would be capable to perform the assigned tasks with efficiency and be successful at his or her job. The skill-based test proves to be an effective method of assessing her individual before the actual assessment process begins. An individual who fails to take up challenging tasks and is unwilling to improve is his or her skill is immediately rejected which reduces an organization’s burden.

  • Aptitude tests:

Aptitude tests measure an individual cognitive ability i.e. his/her ability to learn and understand something relevant for the job and using it to perform various tasks assigned by the business organization. These help in identifying those candidates who will be able to perform the required tasks and are more efficient in delivering desired results. These tests grades a candidate based on several traits which he/she possesses or have the ability to possess in the near future. These traits include concentration, Verbal ability, logical reasoning, and ability to handle complex tasks, sharp memory, numerical reasoning and other types of cognitive abilities that an individual must possess or should have the ability to possess in the future. Aptitude test proves to be an effective method of revealing certain hidden characteristics that face-to-face interviews and other forms of exams may fail to provide. It reveals certain hidden characteristics that face-to-face interviews and other forms of exams may fail to provide. Aptitude test brings forth the mental alertness and other abilities of an individual which ensures the success of an individual within an organization. This type of test as a pre-employment method of selecting candidates can help in rejecting the candidates who are not able to showcase their hidden abilities and skills.

Pre-employment assessment programs approved to be of great benefit for business organizations as they provide the following advantages:

  • Reduction of administrative responsibilities and burden:

Online pre-employment assessment platforms and exams prove to be an effective method that allows business organizations to reduce their administrative burden and responsibilities. Candidates are screened and selected based on the performance on the online exams which are grades automatically by the system. The selection committee is no longer required to assess every single candidate by inviting resumes and individuals for face-to-face interviews.

  • Time and cost-effective:

Pre-employment assessment programs and tests proved to be time and cost-effective as the business organizations can reduce their time and call associated with interviewing every single candidate for a particular job position. The cost and time associated with paper-based exams are greatly reduced. Constant support and assistance are provided by online companies which help in making the whole selection process hassle-free. The time and cost saved on the selection process can be utilized on business core activities which further increases the profitability of the business.

  • Standardized method which involves a strategic system of selecting candidates:

Prospective candidates are screened using a standardized method to reduce the burden of the organization. Moreover, the online pre-employment system can help in the rejection of redundant candidates thereby reducing the burden of the organization. The whole process of selection is standardized and strategically created which proves to be of great benefit for the organization.

Therefore pre-employment assessment programs and the test proved to be the most effective and efficient method for selecting the best candidate for various job positions. Business organizations must make use of such methods to select an efficient employee by spending less time and money.

By Martin