Smart Messenger Marketing Opportunities

When you’re looking for the best alternatives to using the right platform to reach your customers, in the old days, it was normally acceptable to use general flyers and advertisements, newsletters, etc. With the dawn of the internet in 1998, it became more of a general standard to send e-mails to your customers, and the internet brought e-mail marketing to light.

However, by the year 2011, e-mail marketing started to die out as social media platforms and mobile device contact like Facebook and cell phones became a more prominent way to reach your customers. Now, almost everyone uses Facebook Messenger, both on their computers and on their mobile phones, so why not utilize Messenger for more marketing opportunities? In this guide, we’ll explain how you can.

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Utilizing ManyChat

ManyChat is one of the world’s leading chatbot software applications, and you don’t even need to know real programming in order to program your bot to be fully customized for your target audiences. All you need to do is give your bot the right personality and you can use things like smart responses, as well as proper growth tools to make your bot automatically smarter and know how to respond to customers.

Using Advertising the Right Way

One thing some businesses do is take professionalism away from their page by making their bots too “sales-oriented”. While it’s great to drop product placements, a lot of unsuccessful businesses do it too often, or they are too straight forward. If you take the right course, you’ll learn how to maintain your bot properly so it may be able to utilize things like Facebook Ads and other suggestive sales methods which are more passive and subtle.

Connect with the People

Another important thing to consider is that every once in awhile, people are going to want to actually talk to you when it comes to your business. One good thing about ManyChat is that you can utilize the Live Chat tool so that you can directly correspond with your customers on a one-on-one basis. What this does is pauses your chatbot so you can actually talk to them. This gives your bot even more of a personality and shows them that you indeed are in control of everything and have a solid head on your shoulders, plus allows you to directly interact with them and give them the ultimate customer service experience.

What About Support?

Another thing you can do with Facebook Messenger is directly integrating your ManyChat bot into various pages on your website as well. By using a widget, you can make your bot available and use it as a customer support assistant by programming it to directly respond to frequently asked questions, as well as provide technical support.

How Do I Learn Smart Messenger Marketing?

You may need to learn how to use a Facebook Marketing to your advantage, and that’s no surprise, especially if something like ManyChat is new to you. Everyone needs to know how they can maximize their business and increase their return on investment (ROI), so you’ll want to do more than just look on YouTube and see what people say has worked for them. By taking the right automation and program courses that Smart Bot Marketers can offer, you can get the best training possible by true professionals in the automation and marketing industry. Start using an SMM Panel that provides you with all the latest Social Media Marketing(SMM) services.

By Martin